The best books to learn new vocabularies

Hi dear Tutor could you suggest me some book to read in English?

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7 answers from our tutors

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Dear Tutor Grazia, 1. The vocabulary builder workbook 2. English vocabulary in use 3. Building a better vocaulary

  • you should read a book named "Communication Beginnings" by Della Jean Abrahams. It is a wonderful book providing you reading, writing and listening exercises.

  • Hello, I suggest that you read "The animal farm" and "The old man and the sea". The book "animal farm" echoes the idea that all power can contain an element of corruptibility. Perhaps the leaders, the pigs Napoleon and Snowball, started out well-meaning, however once they realized that all of the animals listened to them without thinking, they started to abuse their power. The old man and the sea talks about how man should continue to do whatever he must do to the best of his ability, no matter what tribulations befall him. While challenges and setbacks can strip a man of all outward signs of success, still his spirit can remain undefeated. For it can will a man to never give up and to keep on trying

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  • Nataliia
    NataliiaCountry flag: ua
    English tutor

    I like reading detective stories. My favourite writer is Agatha Christie

  • It depends on your level of English. If you are beginner or elementary, better fairy tales or short stories for this level, pre- upper intermediate, then there is a variety of choice, my favourite ones are O'Henry' s stories or Somerset Maugham.

  • Percy Jackson :D

  • I think you should read what you like because it will stimulate you to learn more english. I advise you to choose your favourite subject.

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