Teachers, do you make mistakes when teaching? How do you deal with this?

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It is an inevitable error because we are not perfect at all times. Having the right sense of humor is of great help to make the situation lighter and not be awkward 😅✌🏻

  • I actually like when I make a mistake and the student points it out to me, it shows that we are both learning, I see mistakes as a part of life, inevitable, so I deal with grace, point out my error and keep the lesson going.

  • When confronted by a possible mistake, I admit that I could be wrong (because it could be my mistake or the student's mistake) and then suggest that I will research the subject further and bring my research results to a future class. I'm usually fairly certain about my ability to teach and my knowledge of English, but I think it's more important to be flexible and able to listen than to be authoritative.

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  • To err is human, you need to create an environment where the students are comfortable with making mistakes and learn from them and who best to lead than you the teacher by owning up to your mistakes.

  • Teachers are humans and can make mistakes. When I make a mistake, I acknowledge and take responsibility of my mistake, correct it and use it as an opportunity for growth and learning

  • Yes, as teachers, we are humans beings and like everyone else we do make mistakes. When I make a mistake, I deal with it by acknowledging i, correcting it as soon as possible, and learning from it. I believe in open communication with my students, discussing the error with them and explaining what went wrong.

  • Yes ! Being a teacher doesn't mean we don't make mistake ,we are humans too.

  • Yes of course. Teachers are humans also. We commit mistakes. I say "sorry" or if I don't know the answer, I day, "I will get back to you" :)

  • honestly,my native language is arabic so i rarely make a mistake but and i try to correct it but my english level allows me just to teach it for begginers

  • By being honest …. That’s all you can do

  • When I was a kid and corrected the teacher, I was somehow happy and felt better - I mean I felt that the teacher is just a human and takes my opinions seriously. It's normal. But then you have to explain how it's right :)

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