Playing games with young learners to encourage interest and fast growth at the same time!

I always suggest playing games with students in order to allow them to enjoy the lesson more. Some good games are Hangman eye spy as well as possibly downloading a scrabble app and play it. All these games are fun and helps build language. If there are young learner make an effort to learn the games the play and find way to make them access it in English.

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8 answers from our tutors

  • Playing games or having motivation is good to catch the attention of the learners.☺️

  • It`s one of the best ways to achieve fast results from YL. It`s also a good approach to become a friend to your students.

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  • Don't forget to let them win 75% of the games. 100% is not how the Universe ever works and control your competitive urges, lol

  • Great suggestion, I will definitely consider, no try it with my student

  • Check Pokemon English material, it's awesome and you can find like cartoons with exercises in it, for free.

  • I believe that games keep the mind healthy. Brillient students always keep their mind fresh which is possible through the games. Gams increase the ability of competition in a person. A sportsman is quite good in his things than a lazy person. Playing games help you to remain active and absorb the things easily.

  • Playing games with young learners is good to interact with them. It helps to enhance their confidence level at the same time when they are learning new ideas and exploring the world of knowledge. It also increases their maturity level as they are following their elders or mentors. A friendly environment also be helpful to encourage their own personal ambitions, thoughts and vision of life which is naturally somehow different from others. Normally young learners have much time to learn and explore than their elders. They are not as much responsible as their elders so playing games also bring them into direct competition and improves the sense of responsibility in them. On the other hand games are the best source of physical and mental fitness. We all know, a healthy body has a healthy mind, so keep them busy In various types of activities makes them strong physically and mentally. Finally, it's been justified that we must spend a happy healthy time by playing with them.

  • Playing games in the class can increase overall motivation. Students become more motivated to learn, pay attention and help participate in class activities. Through playing educational games in the class you will also know about what they can do and what they don't.

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