On line assessments - When should it be done or not

My question is: Does one suggest doing the assessment for a total beginner, a small child or o ly for potential students who have a small grasp, regardless of age?

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5 answers from our tutors

Best answer

Online assessments are an important part of language acquisition,especially for those who have little grasp of L2.They often forget what they have studied in previous session.

  • I would say that yes, it's a good idea to give an assessment of a total beginner regardless of age so that there's an evaluated starting point to the student's language level prior to the start of language learning. Many students say that they are total beginners but they already have some language knowledge of the target language. This allows tutors and students alike to better measure the student's progress as they continue their language-learning journey! =)

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  • I think online assessments should be conducted regularly through activities such as speaking , homework and playing games.

  • It depends on you and the student's goals. others prefer to do it after every unit. while others prefer after a while. but its best to offer questions after every lesson then assesment after a topic is done.

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