5 answers from our tutors
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A new language is development from a basic dialect and is guaranteed to be different a few centuries later than in the beginning. The English laguage, for example, was born through simple tribal dialect and over the years took its form into the language as we know it today from various influences and factors that shape and define it, mainly other languages. Many words and sentence structures have Latin, German, French and various other influances which makes it actually one of the easiest languages to learn.
- JennyCertified ESL Teacher who helps her student in Conversational English.
In linguistics point of view, language is formed or dictated by the society.
The formation of a new language is a complex and gradual process that typically occurs over an extended period of time. It can happen through various mechanisms, such as a natural evolution, contact between different languages, or deliberate language planning efforts.
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Start testSometimes, a new language is a mixture of many languages. Like , people speaking two or three different languages start living together, they are likely to adapt many words from the other languages being spoken in their zone. Ultimately, after generations, a new dialect leading to a new language can emerge.
Not sure, but it's an interesting,thought-provoking question.