Lets have some fun with Idioms!

Add your choice of idiom, tell us what it means figuratively and literally, , try not to google. Make hay while the sun shines Literally means to make bales of hay whilst the sun is shining Figuratively means to do things whilst you still have time, nothing to do with hay or the sun.

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7 answers from our tutors

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Cat got your tongue? This idiom is often used humorously when someone is unexpectedly silent or at a loss for words in a situation where they are expected to speak or respond. Figuratively, it is an amusing way of asking why someone is not speaking or is unable to come up with a response. The imagery of a cat stealing or holding someone's tongue implies that the person is unable to speak or is temporarily speechless due to surprise, embarrassment, or being caught off guard. It's a lighthearted expression and not to be taken literally, as cats do not actually steal tongues....hahaha. It's a playful way of teasing someone gently when they find themselves temporarily tongue-tied or unable to find the right words in a situation.

  • Keep an eye on šŸ‘‰ means "to watch over something or someone with extreme attention and care.

  • "it's raining cats and dogs" means it's raining very heavily, not that cats and dogs are falling from the sky.

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  • "On the fence" means that someone is undecided or indecisive (can't make a decision about a specific problem or is often unable to decide); the literal meaning is that someone is physically located on the fence (could be sitting on or leaning against the fence).

  • Bite a bullet - which means that you should face all the consequences or a challenge with courage and determination. This is also sometimes use in unpleasant situations.

  • stretch your feet according to your quilt. this means that you have to do things in a way that you can manage. it also goes hand in hand with the saying dont bite more than you can chew

  • Nancy W
    Nancy WCountry flag: ke
    Certified tutor

    Money doesn't grow on trees It literally means trees produce a lot of fruits for people to enjoy, figuratively Itā€™s used to warn someone to be careful how much money they spend because is always a limited amount.

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