'Lesson plans' is an essential part of teaching, What would you consider when planning lessons?.

These are some things that I would consider: Who are my students, aim of the lesson.

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These are some points that you should take into consideration: 1- write meaningful aims and learning outcomes. 2- plan ahead for language and potential problems in the lesson. 3- focus on the target language, form, and pronunciation beside the language area and use. some teachers prefer to do their lesson plan in more detail others might be happy with just a few notes. Thank you for asking.

  • 1. Understand my student, his level, his personality and the way he learns best.

  • Specific points should be taken into account : 1 The theme or the lesson with it's objectives 2 The vocabulary to teach according to the level of the students 3 practice

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  • For me to plan lessons with a student, it is important to know why he or she wants to learning English, which level does he/she have in English, And then what are their expectations from the tutor

  • HI Nishana, For me, it is all about the context. Age, Culture, Purpose, and learning styles are the primary considerations for me. This helps me to be resourceful and creative in tailoring the lesson plan for optimum learning and efficiency. But then I'm sure there are other factors that may be available by the book which produce fantastic results. Hope this helps.

  • Lesson plans are absolute nonsense! Teaching according to student requirements with special focus on pronunciation is of utmost importance.

  • Based on the dynamic nature of human beings and the level of students, the most important thing to consider is need analysis. Not all students can lean in the same way, so the lesson plan must include different teaching methodologies which could engage all the students in the class and keep them interested till the end of the course. For instance, including some physical activities and making small groups and competitions can really engage the students and make them learn faster.

  • You need to assess the student, considering things such as age and ability level as well as their needs. Build a lesson plan starting with this, find topics that the learner enjoys so that learning becomes more fun for them while considering time limits and making sure that the lessons aims to work on things that will challenge the learner and build on what they know. Being able to adapt during the lesson is important too so that student can get the most out of the lesson as possible.

  • The basic questions I mostly consider are as follows: 1) What should I do in each task? 2) what should students do in each task? 3) What is the type of interactionin each task? Is that teacher & studet, pariwork, small group work, whole class 4) What is the aim of each task? 5) How much time I need to spend on it? But the key questions which make a difference: 1) What is my role in the whole class? Am I acting like an instructor or a facilitator? 2) What is the role of my student in the calss? Are they active or passive? Are they only receiving knowledge or constructing that? 3) what is the type of learning activities done in the class? Are understanding and constructing involved or just memorizing and repeating? Are students' feelings and interests involved? 4) What language theories govern the calss? traditional ones like behaviorism and cognitivism or the modern ones like constructivism and humanis or even more recent ones like connectivism.

  • There are several things to consider when writing a lesson plan for English teachers: The objective of the lesson: What do you want the students to learn or be able to do by the end of the lesson? This should be specific and measurable. The target audience: Who are the students you will be teaching? Consider their age, language level, interests, and learning needs. The materials and resources: What materials and resources will you need to effectively teach the lesson? This may include textbooks, handouts, videos, or online resources. The lesson structure: How will you structure the lesson? Will you start with a warm-up activity, followed by a presentation of new material, and then do some practice activities? The pacing: How long will the lesson take? Will you be able to cover all of the material you have planned in the time allotted, or will you need to adjust your lesson plan accordingly? The assessment: How will you assess the students' understanding of the material?

  • Lesson plan is really an essential part of teaching. But lets admit the fact that teachers can teach without it. Plans serve only a guide to follow the chronological order of the lesson. What really matters yhe most are the strategies and techniques you will use in order to deliver the lesson

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