In an interview, how will you answer question like, "What is your salary expectation?"

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13 answers from our tutors

  • The best thing would be to do research about the company and the job you’re applying for. Then, respond with a higher salary than what Google says is offered for the position in your area. Then, negotiate with the hiring manager. This ensures that you get the best deal.

  • I would be bold and give a salary expectation based on what you think you are worth.

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  • HI. From experience I have generally downplayed the salary expectation as I was balancing between getting the job and my own budget. Now I would just be bold and state the salary reflecting the high value that I bring to the work.

  • I believe that your company has average salaries that you must adhere to, so what will happen is that you will offer me a salary that matches your budget. if it's okay with me we are good, and if I don't find it rewarding, I'll simply quit the job (it's not a negotiation).

  • It is always wise to give a slightly higher figure (for example before tax deductions) You can also give a higher figure than you think the job is worth and then say you are willing to negotiate if necessary.

  • The best way to answer this question - is being honest. It doesnt matter what you say, it matters HOW you'll say it. If you are sincere. HR managers will notice this

  • It is based from the position that your applying for.

  • Many salary expectations but for me, I will based it from the position you applying for.

  • You can answer, amount that is appropiate to what you are applying for

  • When asked about my salary expectations in an interview, I would approach it by saying something like, "I'm open to discussing the compensation package based on the responsibilities and requirements of the role. I'm more interested in finding the right fit and contributing to the success of the company. Could you provide me with more details about the position and its expectations?" This allows me to gather more information about the role before discussing specific numbers.

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