IELTS Speaking Test

Apart from the main criteria, based on which the candidate's speaking skill is evaluated, such as fluency, pronunciation, grammar rage and accuracy, and lexical resource, what other sub-criteria are taken into consideration?

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Hi Sarah, Great question for this forum. In addition to what is listed above, there is also the wisdom of becoming familiar with the language and not memorizing it. Moreover, for a student to want to speak cohesively, coherently, correctly, fluently, and sound natural one must learn to use collocations, informal contractions, and tenses correctly, to use the correct type of prepositions and tense as well as implement the use of definite and indefinite articles, It is the little pieces of the English puzzle which offers the quality of one's speech. Becoming aware of the nuances and humor is also vital as learning to perceive double entendres, innuendos, idioms, sarcasm, and common phrases. There are also times when one must eventually study all the many literary forms, as in the language of English,

  • The way he is talking with right choose word for situation

  • I would say you need to perform well within the context of your presentation by speaking. That means even your body language, gestures, and smile play a huge role. What you say must make sense. Don't try to learn the phrases and use them just to impress. Mostly, be yourself and express the way you would speak to a good friend or somebody you know. Somebody might argue that the first impression doesn't count so much, but... 🙂

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