I'd like to know if have some teacher that has background with web development to practice interview

I'm looking for a teacher that has experience with web development (frontend skills) that could help my friend to practice english inteveiews on this area (frontend with react.js or angular 2+)

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7 answers from our tutors

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Hi Eacp, fell free to contact me if you need help with front end .I am used to using HTML/CSS/JS and Node Js. I can Help your friend with his interview because am a front end Developer too.Hope to see you in my classroom. Thanks

  • I have extensive and longstanding experience with teaching students business English so job interviews often pop up as part of their learning needs. I tend to develop a lesson plan based on their needs analysis so yes I have done a few related to web development. Plus I incorporate a few coursebooks to draw questions from. I have completed a stand alone course ICT in the classroom myself and I stilll keep the book , which might come in handy

  • My dear friend Because one of my field of study was IT and i worked in an immigration company and i helped some jobseekers so i can help you essentially .

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  • Hi, I help students with job interview training, if your friend sends me the jobs he’s interested in and a CV I can prepare some classes to help him prepare.

  • One of my regular students is a fifty year old software developer from Czechoslovakia for Firewalls and markets the software with matching hardware to clients abroad.

  • Hello! My name is Denis, I am from Ukraine! I used to manage foreign languge center where one of my obligation were to control website elaboration. I was working with frontend and backend programmer during several years. So I think I can help with your objective. BTW, I trained a lot of people to pass job interview succesfully. How many lessons per week do you want to have?

  • Hey I do have some knowledge in web designing and think we could work this together

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