I will always remember versus I will never forget

1. What is the difference 2. In what context should it be used, meaning has it anything to do with negative or positive

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It is all about the implication and impact ... The "I will always remember" has a more positive connotation, while the other one has a negative connotation

  • In my opinion: - "I will always remember..." is used in a more positive way to talk about good memories. -"I will never forget..." is used to talk about things that are either lessons learned or bad experiences from the past i.e. to talk about less positive experiences. - but either can be interchangeable as you want.

  • "I will always remember" connotates positivity especially in uplifting, nostalgic or affectionate contexts. I don't think it can be used in a negative setting. An example is "I will also remember my first trip outside the country." However, "I will never forget" can be used in both positive and negative contexts, depending on the emotional state of the speaker. For example, you can say, "I will never forget the day you proposed to me." This is definitely giving off pleasant vibes, but when someone says, "I will never forget the look of despair in her eyes when the house came crashing down," certainly, a gloomy emotion is evoked.

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  • Always remember conveys more positive meaning, implying keeping some memories in mind, while never forget is more about warning, importance or difficult, depending on the context

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