I have an app and I have Registered how do I start to teach

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8 answers from our tutors

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Hey Zandy! Welcome to the app dear! Show up, post a video (having your introduction) , open notifications and start tutoring. Set up your schedule. That's it!

  • myrene26
    myrene26Country flag: ph
    Handling tutors

    Just read the directions from your app or if that app has the chat box,you can make a message from the admin

  • Flex
    FlexCountry flag: al

    Live Xp learning playstore

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  • Dear Zandy! You have a student's account. You need to complete the tutor's registration flow filling in all required information to create an active tutor's card at LiveXP.

  • Hello. People see your profile and book a Trial lesson with you then you will get messages from students who are interested in your classes. Good luck

  • I hope that you I explained it to you very well and helps you to solve your problem. I hope that you will book in my class. Take care

  • Hi there Zandy These are the following rules before you start teaching. 1. Register on LiveXp. 2. Complete your profile with all required info: schedule, intro video, etc. 3. Download the LiveXP app to keep track of your lessons and messages. At this stage your tutor card becomes visible to students. This how you can get your lessons booked. When students click on a particular language, they see the card of tutors who teach it. They pick one and book a lesson. Students can book a 10min trial lesson first. After a trial lesson, they can buy a subscription plan that fits them. Every plan gives students a certain number of lessons to have within a certain period of time. Subscriptions help students to dive deeper into the learning process and make progress. 4. Read the livexp in-house rules and the tutor level system to find your feet on the platform and avoid misunderstandings. 5. Think about the ways to promote your tutor profile and attract more students..

  • Hi, Zandy! Well, now you choose for a teacher to help you learn English. You can have a trial lesson with me, for starters. If all goes well and you enjoy, which I know you will, then you can continue with me! :) Waiting for your response.

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