i always forget word.what i should to do?

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When you learn new words use them as soon as possible and as much as possible.

  • It is common to forget words when learning a new language. Keep a note book to make notes in. Practice is very important,

  • Amir
    AmirCountry flag: ir
    Certified TEFL

    there are some way that can help you to recall the vocabularies easier. the first one is that you should review the vocabularies more and more in order that the vocabularies stabilize in your long term memory. the second solution is that you can use semantic mapping . the last one is that you can relate the target vocabularies to your experience and real words

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  • Keep a vocabulary diary with you for the new words you learn as well as common words you come across often. Make time to experiment with them in sentence structure. Also don’t be so hard on yourself, even native speakers have moments where they don’t recall the word for a particular moment. It’s natural, but you can always get away with it by rewriting your sentence to avoid having to use that word.

  • Practice practice and practice 😁. Tip: find the word in your own language then translate it in English. Start practicing having conversations with that “word” so that it’s easy for you to remember.

  • Forgetting words when learning a language is a common challenge, and almost everyone will struggle with remembering new vocabulary. However, there are a few techniques that can help you memorize new or difficult words. You can write the words in a 'Vocabulary Notebook' and review them from time to time. This is sometimes called spaced repetition and is a good way to memorize important details. I personally find that repeating the word and its meaning out loud and then using it in a sentence of my own helps me to remember new words. So try, different techniques, and most importantly, have fun!

  • Reading books daily can help you with sentence structure, and to not forget words as often.

  • Hi dear. Forgetting words is a common challenge when learning a new language or even speaking in your native language once in a while. First, please be patient. learning a new language is a long process that takes at least two years. secondly, use new words in sentences and try to learn contextually. Thirdly, try to read extensively and watch English media. Practice is the key, don't forget dear.

  • It always happens when you're learning new words. You should take notes in your notebook and write some sentences using those words. Besides that, you can use those new words in your conversations, making it less probable that you will forget them.

  • Constant practice is crucial. Also, start thinking in English as much as possible.

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