How would you define what ‘colour’ is to a child, in a way that they would understand ?

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Honestly, I never really thought about it, you say, it is red and they relate the color to the word, but defining it, takes it to a whole new level Thank you for sparking relative thoughts and how I can approach exactly that

  • Explaining the definition to kids are difficult, it will be easier to use concrete materials. Start by showing a black and white picture. Ask the child to explain what they can see and then show them the same picture brightly-colored and ask them to explain what they see.. Then you explain to them that colour allows us to see things more vibrantly. It makes life exciting rather than it being dull and boring. Colour makes everything interesting and attractive

  • Make use of everyday opportunities to learn about colours for example pointing it out in the environment. Ask your child to pass the pink teddybear or the blue hat. Or point out that the child is drawing with a red crayon. Make use of colour games and activities for example "I spy with my little eye" or making a colour collage or matching cards.

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  • Have different objects in different colours and constantly take them through the colours.

  • he usado objetos los cuales se encuentran en casa y que los niños se relacionen con el objeto e identifiquen el color, elementos como banano, manzana roja, uva, limón, zanahoria, aguacate y entre otros he planteado preguntas como ¿ la banana que color tiene y su textura es suave o áspero? ,¿ esto es un? respuesta de los niños " banano y es de color amarillo como el sol" , así sucesivamente con el resto de objetos, estableciendo así un dialogo como mediadora que a la vez ellos van identificando que es un objeto tal y de color tal, si el contexto es virtual, a través de dibujos hago los mismos objetos ( frutas o verduras) que sirven como soporte para abordar la clase y los niños participaran de acuerdo al desarrollo de preguntas.

  • Donnie Starkey
    Donnie StarkeyCountry flag: us
    ESL teacher

    Here is a fun fact: in American English, we spell color. British English adds the “u”. I just thought you would want to know. 😎

  • Donnie Starkey
    Donnie StarkeyCountry flag: us
    ESL teacher

    Use several objects that are the same color, point to them and call the color name-“this is green”, then three more and call “this is red”. I would ask “what color is this?” Then respond “this is red.” I would model the dialogue, and ask” what color is this?” Then put my hand to my ear for them to respond.

  • Hi Zakithi, I find that using props (like a red ball, Blue car eg.) really helps with assisting my lesson especially with children; as it is immersive and allows them to visually see. You can make a fun engaging game/ activity. Hope this helps.

  • a color is to see something and feel different

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