How to make learning English more fun?

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14 answers from our tutors

  • Incorporating games is always a winner when it comes to making lessons fun, especially with children. They are more likely to remain engaged when structure their learning in a meaningful game.

  • I have found out that playing informative games and doing creative activities with both young and adult students makes the lessons more fun and helps them to remember most of the things that were thought in class.

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  • Allowing mistakes, If you have a student and expect perfection it will never be fun. Keep it simple.

  • Getting to know the type of learner your student is. Some are fast learners, some are slow learners, others learn quicker with images, others with sounds and the list goes on. Identifying that makes it easier to know the type of approach to take for each individual. 😊

  • KIS (keep it simple) Avoid all unnecessary hassles, remember English is just another language so, whatever you like saying or doing in your native language apply that to English, if you like food then learn how to eat or cook food in English, etc...

  • Keeping track of your progress would motivate you to keep studying. Take one step at a time and rejoice even with little improvement. Keep using the language in everyday conversations and never ever fear committing mistakes. It is part of learning. You might start by improving your vocabulary. Make an effort to memorize and imagine what the word means.

  • Make use of pictures. The mind is drawn to easy association. Learning a new song may help because the tune will guide you on how to say the different tone in the word..

  • Learning English should not be stressful and should happen naturally. That's why I provide a comfortable environment for my students.

  • I provide a positive fun place for students to learn, I allow mistakes in my class. I also believe in take breaks from the lesson just to talk

  • Building a good relationship with students and focusing on each student needs and goals.

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