How to Improve English Level Form B1/B2 to C1? what technique is the most efficient?

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5 answers from our tutors

  • - have basic conversation - try to read articles that interests you - focus on pronunciation

  • B1/B2 levels are intermediate levels, in order to improve to a proficient level you must practice as much as possible, there isn't a magical pill but to go the extra mile by practicing, English is just like a sport the more you practice the better you'll get.

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  • When you feel like you’ve reached a dead end, and you just seem stuck, it’s best to determine your weakest points. And then a plan on how to improve them based on your learning style. Are you lacking more in any of the following basic components of language: reading, writing, listening/comprehension, or speaking? Focus on improving each of them, but the one where you are lacking will require twice as much effort to perfect. You must generally immerse yourself in the language and start adjusting your life in a way that allows you to use it more. Kind of like working out requires a healthier lifestyle, and you don’t usually exercise only once part of your body, even if a flat core could be your biggest objective right? Instead you involve cardio and work out your entire body, but with twice as much time and effort when it comes to your stomach or thighs if they require the most work. We are all built differently. The same way we all acquire languages differently.

  • It would be better to know about some topic and speak about it in details,analyze something you are given to learn

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