How to give presentation like you are in TED Talk?

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7 answers from our tutors

  • Know your topic thoroughly but don't memorize a speech. Memorized language is easy to detect and it sounds fake to native speakers. As long as you know your topic well and know the important points you need to make, you can speak without writing a speech in advance. This also makes you sound more authentic; people will believe you're talking to them, not at them (speeches are often, not always, one sided and don't take the audience into account).

  • Dear Jenny, 1. Choose a topic that you are passionate about, also your topic should be unique and interesting. 2.Develop your ides. 3. Create your talk. 4. Practice your talk several times. 5. Use visuals to support your message. 6. Engage the audience using humor and telling stories. 7. And finally be authentic and genuine in your delivery

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  • Start with a premise (an idea you want to talk about), an introduction (slowly introducing people what you are going to talk about) then explain the introduction. sometimes with or without a conclusion. its the same idea of writing really. Just memorized from memory.

  • A good preparation and self-confidence will help a lot.

  • Diversify your delivery, always make sure to stick to your points and most importantly be confident in what you say and enjoy the experience!

  • Follow the followings: 1- Prepare well before presenting. 2- Know your audience. 3-Makes notes for order of things to be presented. 4- Set a topic. 5- Always stay stick to your topic. 6- Always be brief and simple/natural.

  • Try to maintain a formal tone, with little casual phrases. In order for everyone to listen, your speech should be interesting.Making your speech interesting and remarkable will grab the attention of more people. Try to support your arguments and statements with facts and figures

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