How I can introduce myself self to new person

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Actually, there are several ways to introduce yourself . It depends on what atmosphere you have. If you want to meet formally, it is better to say "Hello, my name is ...." or you can start with the question "May I introduce myself?. If it is informal situation you may say "Hi", "Hey", "Hello", "What's up", "I am ..." It will be good if you say 'Nice to meet you, NAME, too" in both variants. Also don't forget to use new friend's name and to smile=)

  • An informal way to do this in American English is simply to say: "Hi! I'm (your first name).......nice to meet you. If the other person doesn't volunteer their name then you could ask, "what's your name?" (most of the time, the other person will voluntarily say their name, so it won't be necessary for you to ask for it)

  • Smile and say hello and hi. Hi my name is _____. I live next door and it is nice to meet you. Insert something random to sound more friendly.

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  • Hi dear friend For introducing yourself you can use this two ways : 1.Hi , i ' m Bahman 2.Hello .My name is Bahman


  • No matter the situation say "hello, or" hy, my name is..... With a smile and I contact then it was 'nice meeting you. Call that person by her or his name so that you don't forget the name.

  • Depending on the place or event that you are at. Formal for meeting the first time or interviews will be : "Hello there its nice to meet you I'm Kenesia." "Hi there I'm Kenesia its a pleasure to meet you." ....a simple handshake would accompany this as a gesture. Meeting at parties or social events: "Hey how are you doing man." ...also depending if you are a guy in this situation. "Hi there I'm Tim wanna dance." "Hey I'm Kenisia Jamie's friend its nice to finally meet you." .... a welcoming hug is accompanied by this gesture.

  • Normally you say: My name is (your name) or I am (your name).

  • You can say: My name is ..... I am ...... Depending on the situation you can follow with the rest of the discourse using conditionals and other forms of politeness as for example: I would like ..... , Could I ......, May I ....., I appreciate that ..., thanks for verb+ing (giving this opportunity to me, being so helpful ...) etc. I hope it helps, Greetings

  • How introduce yourself depends on the settings but whatever settings it's. Start by saying "Hello, my name is.......with a smile, of course, look directly into the eyes of the person you're speaking with and refer to he/she by name. I hope this helps.

  • "Hello, my name is Kenenisa. It's nice to meet you."

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