How do you motivate your students?
34 answers from our tutors
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Give students as much control over their own education as possible. Let students choose paper and project topics that interest them.
I like to keep the lesson goal-centric. If the student has a visual representation of the end goal for learning a language, and if the student has a clear view of the steps needed to get there, it makes the lessons feel lighter and the material feel more natural.
In my humble opinion, the first think is to let students be aware of the usefulness of a language like English and, let them view, any language, as a, powerful, tool, never mention the, great, opportunity to share ideas all around the world, with awesome people like them amd, become an active contributor to the advancement of us as a species with them ideas then, otherwise, in a local language, couldn't be understood on a worldwide environment. Make them felt, and take responsibility, about them importance in the community and, make th understand how awesome they're and, how important is them contribute to the communities.
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Start testMotivation is as much important as to encourage or appreciate your student. I will motivate my students by giving them interesting tasks, challenges and of course rewards on the accomplishment of different targets.
By telling them that you are unique person and you can do whatever you can imagine. There are many live examples of people who build their personality and business from scratch. God is always with you.
- JennyCertified ESL Teacher who helps her student in Conversational English.
I motivate my students by telling them how far they've improved with regards to their English language. Also, I allow room for mistakes. Also, I am always inspiring them to be best version of themselves.
Become model to student interest. Get to know your student and use a variety of student teaching activities. Appreciate and celebrate any student achievements. Lastly, set realistic performance and help students achieve them by encouraging them to set their own reasonable goals.
Providing Positive Reinforcement, I believe in the power of positive reinforcement. I make sure to provide regular encouragement, praise, and recognition for my students' efforts and achievements. Celebrating small victories and progress helps to boost their confidence and keeps them motivated to continue learning.
- Jayachandran PMI'm a public speaker in my college Senior uear
Focus on their strengths. Help students see what they are good at and what they can achieve. Be positive and encouraging. Create a learning environment where students feel supported and confident. Set realistic goals. Help students set goals that are achievable but challenging. Celebrate their successes. When students succeed, make sure to acknowledge their hard work and celebrate their accomplishments.
Lern with pleasure. We are using what we like to do, without pressure
I think if you find their area of interest and prepare them with tasks on those topics and areas, they will enjoy the class more. For example, if they like football, ask them to do research about their favorite team or player, give talks about them or write about them. Class discussions on their favorite topics also interest them.