How do you know what is the ideal language for you to learn? Depending on what do you decide?

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You have to determine the purpose of learning a certain language. It depends on your location, job description, and to people you will interact with. For example, if you're planning to go to Japan, and you're an English native, for some Japanese who don't understand or speak English then try to learn Basic Japanese language.

  • For me as a person who likes to travel,i think it will depend on which country i'm travelling to,then take some time to learn the basic languages spoken at the particular country,so I can blend in.

  • As usual, people learn languages which they will need for job and living. Some of them are not happy because of this. Some of my students had to leave their Motherland. It is not eay for them to learn a new language at the age of 50+. But they do their best and I an proud of them.

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  • Consider the reasons for studying the language. 1.Purpose-it may be work or studies because it is part of a school course. 2.Location-if the language resonates with the area you want to relocate to or your already living in. 3.Community- to socialize with a new community your interacting with. 4.Added advantage - what advantage does learning the language give you at work or in business or in the area your in. Then conduct your research and ask for professional opinion where necessary. If the language you pick fits the required criteria then it's the ideal language.

  • I think it depends on what I will use the language for. Might be for socialization in a new community, therefore for me to be able to, I would need to understand their language. It might probably be for work purposes to reinforce my language skills and subsequently confidence in the language. Then that would be the ideal language to learn at that point.

  • Personally, I have been learning languages to speak based on the people I will be speaking to. For instance, I am married to a woman who speaks Cebuano and so I am learning Cebuano.

  • My ideal language is English because it is an international language and also my favorite.

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