How do languages evolve and change over time?
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Language evolve by use and mixing with different languages from the area nearby, technology is another important aspect to consider that should influence language evolution.
Languages evolve and change over time because of various factors, such as: Contact with other languages. When speakers of different languages interact, they may borrow words, phrases, or grammatical structures from each other. For example, English has borrowed many words from French, such as café, ballet, and genre. Social and cultural changes. When societies undergo changes in their values, beliefs, practices, or technologies, they may need new words or expressions to describe them. For example, the rise of the internet and social media has introduced new words like blog, tweet, and selfie into English. Geographical separation. When speakers of the same language live in different regions or countries, they may develop different accents, dialects, or even languages over time. For example, American English and British English have diverged in their pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary since the 18th century.
Languages evolve by civilization and association with speakers of other languages. Generational difference could also be a factor.
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Start testLanguage evolution is gradual and driven by social and cultural factors. Grammatical changes and contact with other languages contribute to the evolution of languages.