How do i learn to speak as a native speaker? Students can also choose a native speaker.

7 answers from our tutors

Best answer

By studying English, speaking more or having more conversations and watching more English programs while imitating them.

  • You must be committed to speak and have conversations with native speakers every day. You must also make time to listen to podcasts (NOT news, but podcasts that have dialogues or conversations in them. You must do this every day without fail. It is absolutely vital that you speak to a native speaker. If you don't, you will NEVER speak English at native level. End of story!

  • Speaking more. Use language learning apps

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  • Look at (listen) to the different sounds each word makes. For example, the letter s doesn’t always make the sss sound. It can sound like “z” or “iz” as well. And certain words with vowels at the beginning or end of a word will merge together with others to only make the sound only once. This is how you can sound fluent. There’s a lot of tools for teaching this but you can just say the sentences with the students and ask them what they hear. It’s pretty invaluable to notice these things as someone who speaks English as a second language.

  • A good listener is a good speaker. For speaking like a native speaker you must listen a native speaker at least 3 hours daily.

  • Could you specify what you mean by "speaking like a native speaker"?

  • Estudiando y practicando el idioma cin diferentes estrategias : Ver programas de televisión,ver videos y escuchar canciones ayudaría a aprender el idioma de tu interés

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