How can we overcome the speech anxiety?

I see that whenever I get a chance to speak in public or in a group or I head a meeting, my heart beat goes high and my voice becomes vibrated...

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I have had many students with this problem and we have gradually solved by transmitting confidence to the student. To be honest, here the teacher plays an important role. I would even say that many times the reason for this anxiety comes from some bad experience with not very patient teachers in their past. We can somehow make the students feel comfortable and lose the fear of making mistakes, which is mainly the reason for their anxiety. If I had to somehow advise a student for not suffering from speech anxiety I would just tell them to think that nobody speaks perfectly even native people don't. I would recommend that they breathe slowly and relax. A good teacher is quite important. On the other hand, not only teachers have to be patient but also students have to take their time as well. Speaking a second or third language takes its time. My best wishes

  • Prepare well, know the topic very well, i personally find that if i know my topic well i speak easily , but if i don't know it, i become shaky, lose my voice etc.

  • By getting more involved in unfamiliar environment that unconsciously makes your brain cells speak something rather repeating same set of answers.

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  • Hi To overcome speech anxiety, it is important to recognize that feeling embarrassed or awkward is a normal part of the process, One way to deal with these feelings is to focus on your content and message rather than on yourself. Focus more on communication than on correctness as you proceed in your journey to proficiency. you will get a hang of it with time. Practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, before giving a speech can also help to calm your nerves. Another tip is to visualize yourself giving a successful speech and rehearsing in front of a supportive audience (usually friends and family) can boost your confidence and prepare you for the real thing. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, I should have probably started with this point, so know that it is okay to make errors while speaking because definitely, we all do. Relax, as with time and practice, you will become more comfortable and confident speaking. Hope this helps

  • This has nothing to do with the language itself but you as a person. If you have not mastered public speaking you will need to focus on communication in your native language initially and thereafter communication in English.

  • Just be confident and believe in yourself :)

  • Just continue doing it my friend. Salam akhi :)

  • It is important to remember that everyone experiences anxiety to some degree and it is a normal and natural response to stress. The key is to learn how to manage anxiety in a healthy and effective way.

  • To start by practicing with trusted people in your circle and in front of the mirror. Thereafter building confidence by ensuring smart techniques are used to achieve desired result

  • I encourage my students to blurt out and just keep speaking even if it does not make sense....then I'll point out all the words and grammar they had done or said correctly and try again...we are in this together i need you to make mistakes so i can teach and you need to make mistakes to learn .

  • This has less to do with your speaking capability and more with your belief in yourself. You may not have perfect English, but you are speaking to express yourself so that people will listen. You just need to focus on getting your point across. If they understand you, then it doesn't matter if your grammar or pronunciation isn't perfect. Second, practice. Get your friends and colleagues near you and just start speaking. The more you experience, the quicker you'll overcome this anxiety.

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