How can we improve reading skill???

6 answers from our tutors

Best answer

By reading, hahaha. I would suggest that a students main goal should be to read a full novel. However, this can be difficult starting out and it can take a lot of time. So I always suggest some other options to build up vocabulary. Phone apps (Duolingo, Duo Cards, Drops) Shorter Articles (Engoo, National Geographic, Comic Books, Newspapers) Full Novels. I also like to read with a highlighter and a pen, constantly taking notes on new words that I have to look up. My first book I read in another language, was covered in notes.

  • This is a great question because reading is one of the most important skills of the English language. First and foremost, to improve your reading skills you need practice and more practice. Read books, magazines, and other material which is at your English level. Choose texts that are engaging and interesting so that you are more likely to stick with it. Secondly, practice reading aloud to improve your pronunciation and fluency. Finally, try to read a little bit everyday, even if it's just for a couple of minutes. Consistent practice is key.

  • Hi 👋 Excellent question btw, here are some tips: 1. Choose a text according to your level, that might mean a children’s book 2. Read it and try to summarize it to see if you really understood, if not I’d suggest you translate it 3. Try to read it out loud, record yourself (as embarrassing as this might sound XD) and if possible try to listen to the audio of the book (you can copy paste it on google translate and click on the audio) so you can see how you’re supposed to pronounce the words.

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  • 1.Summarize what you read. Reading skills can improved by summarizing what you read. ... 3.While reading, take notes. ... 4.Use key reading strategies. ... 5.The purpose should be determined. ... 6.Read the texts in advance. ... 7.Goals should be set for reading. ... 8.Every day, make time to read.

  • The best tip I have for improving your reading skills is to go back to basics. Another tip is to find reading materials that are interesting and at an appropriate level for your current skill level. For example, you could start with children's books or graded readers, and then progress to more advanced texts. Hope this helps. 😊

  • Try to read out loud at first and do it slowly, pronouncing words correctly and pay attention to how you speak, read few short paragraphs about something that might be interesting to you. Try to increase the speed of your reading by being persistent and doing it regularly. When you find some unfamiliar words - try to understand them in the whole context of the story, passage. If you'd like to do an extra job - write them all down, check their meaning and create some sentences using these new words, this will help you memorise them more effectively :) Good luck!

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