How can I teach adults by songs?

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Teaching adults by songs can be a fun and effective way to improve their English skills, especially their listening, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Songs can also help them learn about grammar, culture, and idioms. Here are some tips on how to use songs with adult learners: • Choose songs that are appropriate for their level and interests. You don't want to use songs that are too fast, too difficult, or too childish for your students. You also want to use songs that match their goals and preferences. For example, if your students are learning English for business purposes, you might want to use songs that are related to work or money. If your students are fans of pop music, you might want to use songs that are popular or catchy. • Give the songs a linguistic purpose. You don't want to use songs just for fun or filler. You want to use songs that have a clear learning objective and outcome.

  • Find in the lyrics of the song targeted vocabulary that the student is already studying or should gain from learning at the time being, mix it with other similar words by definition or sound. Have students define or match such words with their definitions and later have them listen to the song and check which words are in the lyrics and which ones are not. A good follow up activity would be for the student to create a sentence or dialogue using the new vocabulary learned!

  • Ask them to explain the lyrics and form other sentences using certain words in the lyrics.

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  • Start with songs that have a few lyrics,, but popular,, have them listen to them,, and then tell you what the song is about.. it is easy and can be done with beginners, they can say, sadness,, love,, the more advance students,, can use jazz. It is a great way to increase their listening skills and have them create sentences..

  • If it a song the learner is already familiar with in their first language, it can be a great way to practice deciding, and for building new vocab. Plus, for people who are musically inclined, they may remember things set to music better. Hope this helps!

  • By using lyrics, lyrics are sentences in songs that makes them sensible. So if you pick a song say an Adele song, take out the lyrics of that song and teach the student the words and how to use them in sentences, it makes things a bit easier for the student, but most importantly, teaching an adult with song enable the student pronouce words much easier.

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