Question answered

how can I pay by PayPal?

5 answers from our tutors

Best answer

Hello! Unfortunately, right now, we don't have a PayPal payment option. But it is in work by our tech team, and soon it will be ready. You can pay using your bank card, ApplePay, and GooglePay.

  • Add banking details in PayPal. Send money from Bank account too PayPal. In PayPal y send money from your PayPal too another PayPal account using receivers username.

  • I am not certain about PayPal, I only saw debit/credit option.

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  • How are you? , Is not difficult if you have cash in your PayPal account you must ad your bank account to paypal I mean your debit or credit account and after that you send money from Paypal to any count added , and you need to wait maybe for one or two days and you can have your money even in an ATM.

  • I have only seen a debit/credit card option, I'm not sure if we have an option to pay by PayPal

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