Hi Teachers! This is in relation to the question about teaching ESL to kids,
I noticed that most of you recommended the TPR Approach. My question is that, what is TPR Approach? And what are the examples of that? Thank you!
6 answers from our tutors
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TPR means total physical response. Ot is really helpful for children in quick grasping things best examples of TPR are story telling and acting actions while speaking
TPR approach is an approach that helps the learners to be more flexible in terms of learning. This approach helps the learners to easily understand a specific lesson.
TPR approach is used to teach and practice vocabulary, grammar, imperatives and listening skills. It is specially effective with young learners who are more active and less shy. Examples: Storytelling: T he teacher tells a story and students act as the characters of the story. For example if the teacher says "Jack was very happy" and the students smile. The teacher says "He ran to the market" and the students run.
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Start testTPR is total physical response, this process mimics the way the kids learn languages. You can use TPR like ∆ say a word or phrase and demonstrate the action ∆ encourage the kids to repeat after you and do the same actions. Also you can use activities like ∆ Role play ∆ Charades ∆ Songs and rhymes The best TPR for kids is storytelling or acting out actions while speaking e.g Charades.
Total physical response (TPR) is a method of teaching English language or vocabulary concepts by using physical movement to react on a certain verb in question. For example as a teacher I will write a word on the board and ask my young learners to repeat after me by expressing the word in a physical action such as dance, eat or run .
TPR means total physical response. It is a learning approach to teaching language based on the idea that if you have to do something physical in response to language, then learning is more meaningful, and you learn fast.