Hi guys what is your idea to set small task per day to learn English better?

for example learning 10 new words per day.

11 answers from our tutors

Best answer

setting a realistic routine is a must in your English learning journey. depending on your abilities, level and interests you can set that routine specifically for you. watching a movie a day, watching a related YouTube video or learning vocabulary in context every day can make you stay in your journey. the important thing is to set a goal. for example 30 minute of movie, or 10 new phrases and such

  • It would be nice to stick to one topic per day. Like today we will be talking all about cooking, tomorrow it's going to be about transportation. For each topic, gather a group of words that are commonly used in those situations and try using them in small talk.

  • Set Small and consistent task each day such as; -Watch movies in English. -Immerse yourself in English language news. -Start a vocabulary book of useful words. -Have conversations in English with friends or love ones Practice, practice, practice even if you make mistakes no problem because it's part of the learning process - Have fun while you learn. If you do these things consistently, you will surely attend your goals in a very short period of time

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  • Setting a small tasks each day can significantly enhance English learning. Start with daily vocabulary exercises, reading short articles, and listening to podcasts or songs in English. Practice speaking by describing your day or discussing a topic. Use language leaning apps for interactive exercises. Additionally, write a journal entry or short paragraph in English daily. Consistency is key; even 15-20 minutes of focused practice can yield great results over time.

  • maybe even randomize it, like e.g. 7wordsTuesday, GrammarWednesday, read a text on Thursday, what do you think about this? (: Salam alaykum :)

  • Watching movies in English and practicing English regularly are another effective ways to learn new vocabulary.

  • English is a fun language to learn, although learning it quickly can seem like a massive challenge. The idea of learning 10 new words per day can help the student to grasp the language more effectively and quickly resulting in better understanding and positive outcome. Begin with short and easy to understand sentences to feel more confident and less overwhelmed, you can do that by giving your students small task per day and go through their task in the next session to make sure that your task was fathomable.why not book a lesson!

  • Dear Just watch one video of Mr.duncan in English in YouTube

  • The best thing is to understand your learning ability. For instance, some people are good at learning so many words at a time but some are not. so if for instance, if you cannot get so many words at the same time, start with one per day and try to always make sentences with these words.

  • Watch one TV show episode with English subtitle it has to be a TV show that you watched before, like F.R.I.E.N.D.S

  • Read a news article everyday.

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