Hello teachers,how best can you teach a learner with communication challenges?what tools can I use?

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For kids : role plays , games and toys Make a story for them try to put them in that story through these stories teach them English. For adults: provide a situation which you both are there to learn , be their friend first , try to know their interests and personality based on this information , choose various topics and add games , riddles , and stories etc... and through these activities tech them.🩷

  • Hi Fay! I had a lot especially when working with kids One of the first things to identify -> Is it a linguistic challenge or psychological(as a teacher myself I have spent years studying this aspect of teaching too) Here are some examples: 1. Some people don't know what to say 2. Some people don't know how to say 3. Some people are afraid to speak up because they don't know what to expect Now let's find some solutions: Problem 1 -> Use/roleplay situations that are familiar to them, or give some phrases to use Problem 2 -> Based on the level, you can ask what exactly they need help with, and give some ready-to-use phrases to start the flow but don't give them answers Problem 3 -> This one is quite psychological - if the student is a kid and is independent enough with technology, I would ask the parent to leave the room(especially if I see the kid is constantly looking at them), it's important to make the student feel comfortable with you and realize that you're on "his side"

  • reading with them helps a lot to develop that muscle of conversing better

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  • I think the best thing you can do is watch lots of English shows and just fully immerse yourself in the language

  • For very young children, I use picture cards with words. We also have blocks with letters to form words. Most of the time I use songs and repetition of the words. They can have sing-a-along session or reading. For order children, around 9 to 12 they can read stories, watch pod-casts and later the teacher asks questions based on the story. For adults, it is more of communication, dialogue sessions from short stories or reading sessions. In all these, we must listen to them as how they pronounce and use intonations. This is where the teacher has to correct the mistakes.

  • When teaching a learner with communication challenges, it's important to be patient, flexible, and adaptable. It's also important to use a variety of tools and strategies to accommodate the learner's needs. Some tools that may be helpful include using visual aids, using gestures and body language, using simplified language, and using repetition. It's also important to encourage the learner to communicate in whatever they are able, and to celebrate their successes.

  • Hi, It needs to be diagnosed first, what is the current communication level of that individual and what are the challenges she/he is facing. Going further the mode of training can be defined. CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy- talking communication) plays a big role. Focus will be on soft Skills & Life Skills for the person. Hope this clarifies your question. Thanks & Regards.

  • Hiiii 🌻If your student is kid you can use toy or toylikes 🌻Or you student are adults you can use images, text book, film , puzzle, multimedia, application, softeware and ... .

  • It really depends on what you mean by communication challenges.The number one skill that you, the teacher, must teach is patience, and lots of it! Body language and gestures are also invaluable. Become animated, use your hands and arms, and facial expressions, to help convey meaning. However, be careful not to become an edutainer. Use pictures and flashcards to build confidence and vocabulary. Crucially always, always give encouragement, even for what would be the smallest things. Never show your frustration or impatience, because if you do, you will undo everything that the student has achieved. Like what you have read? Then why not book a lesson!

  • Differentiate your activities and your games.

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