Does anyone know why the English language is known as Universal language?

Yes I know it could have been any other language if not English. Was wondering if there is anything historical about it. How did English end up a Universal language?

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Historically English took over from Latin as the language of power. It's considered universal because of the powerful status it has garnered due to its widespread global usage, historical colonial influence, economic significance, prevalence in Science and technology, prominence in media and entertainment and its role in the internet and social media. Not to mention the fact that the countries with the large population that are consummate consumers are English speaking countries and everyone wants to trade with them, necessitating the need to learn English for those who are not native speakers

  • It is the language with which ALL pilots of International Flights, regardless of country of origin, must use when speaking to the local Control Tower at the airport where they are taking of from or landing at. After too many crashes and near misses it was decided in 1951 by the FAA and ICAO that English would henceforth be the language of the skies.

  • I think there are various factors. Computers were created by, Alan Turing, a British man. They were developed a lot in the USA by the likes of Apple and Microsoft. Britain started the Industrial revolution. The USA is the worlds most dominant power, and has been for a very long time. The Esperanto experiment didn't work. Other widely spoken languages aren't spoken by bigger economies than the likes of the USA, UK, Canada and Australia.

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  • Most of the world speaks in English, it’s among one of the most spoken languages. It began in Africa before it was English, then the British evolved the language into what it is now.

  • Well, The UK had many colonies all over the world. So, British people brought their language there.

  • English is the Universal language. This is because, at one time, The British Empire had significant influence over the world. Thus, the language spread throughout many is historical as it was the universal language used for commerce

  • Despite other languages having more speakers, English is the Universal language. This is because, at one time, The British Empire had significant influence over the world. Thus, the language spread throughout many continents.

  • Yes, it is historical as it was the universal language used for commerce. Pidgen English, for example, was a simpler form which was used by Chinese and English traders. Pidgen English also reached Hawaii and the Philippines. Great question.

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