Do you use flashcards? What do you like about them?

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6 answers from our tutors

  • Flashcards are great for memory retention! I use apps like Flashcards Maker to regularly go over vocabulary and grammar points for the language I’m learning. They’re also great for students because it lets you create and share your lesson vocabulary easily and they can use them to really feel like they’re improving. Wonderful tool!

  • Yes I've used flashcard when i was in grade 1, i still remember that helps me to learn different parts of body name, they really helped me to understand what which part is called because the images on the card were so eye catching. So yeah it helped in motor and visual skill.

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  • I myself attend to use flashcards due to the reason they help me to keep track of my learning and connect dots between the definition of the word and its relevant picture.

  • Flashcards stimulate visual memory and make the learning process easy.

  • I use flashcards quite often as they are a way to illustrate, highlight and assess progress as learning.

  • Yes because flashcards are good for learning because they make you remember things better. They're like small cards with questions on one side and answers on the other. You can use them to review and study topics over time, and they're easy to carry around. You can make your own flashcards, which is helpful. They often have pictures too, which helps you remember. Flashcards work for many subjects and help you see how much you've learned.

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