Do you think it's best to teach English through music?

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6 answers from our tutors

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If your student relates to the genre of the music, likes music then yes, but i don't think it is best for all students

  • I would assume that it depends on the student’s learning preference and style. For instance, an auditory learner would probably benefit from this, than a visual learner, for instance.

  • Yes, because music will help you remember words and phrases that you already know, and help you learn new vocabulary and expressions.

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  • I'd strongly suggest to not teach a language through music, there's many reasons for that, a normal song has too many words so it can overload a student. more importantly than that is that song writer's number one focus is to make a sentence sound nice, most don't actually care if the sentence is grammatically correct or not so you will likely end up teaching them "wrong" English. It's a mistake I see most new teachers make and it was a mistake i made as a tutor before I got formal training. I'd highly suggest teaching them fiction books, making them watch listening videos about a topic they are interested in or even playing some kind of word game instead. At the end of the day, we are here to improve a student's English. not make it worse by using English that pays no attention to the importance of grammar therefor giving them mistakes that may last for the rest of their lives all because they were taught a simple song. The very best you can do is take a Phrase from the song alone.

  • I believe so :) For me, its important to include music in the activities/lessons :)

  • Yes, it can be a much easier way for students to grasp some words and their meanings

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