Do you think it is important for students to focus on correct pronunciation of words while learning?

correct and clear pronunciation of words in english language

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Hie there. So I'll start by saying proper pronunciation is the key to mastering the English language. However that being said, there isn't any pressure on you in terms of how fast you can learn how to say words. With first time English students I like to use what is called the slow but sure approach where we learn slowly and gradually but making you speak like a pro. Never feel shy to pronounce or say words, that is what this tutor community is all about, happy learning.

  • Sure thing because during the time it may fossilized if ss receive the wrong pronunciation and then the correction may lasts longer time so it's better to prevent it in the 1st place.

  • Yes because when we talk about English , you need to be accurate on pronouncing words

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  • I think understanding the word, knowing where to use it, and knowing its spelling are more important. After knowing the spelling, you can sound out the word and then work on the pronunciation. this being said doesn't mean pronunciation isn't important while learning but can be mastered lastly

  • From my point of view, correct pronunciation of words is essential while learning for both kids and adults especially when the meaning of the words depends on it.

  • Hmm very good question. To be honest i do think pronunciation is important. But for me, especially with younger or non adept students i believe understanding is more important. In my opinion it takes a lot of time and repetition to improve, where as sentence structure and vocabulary is more fundamental to having a conversation and if you can do that pronunciation will develop in time, from listening and speaking.

  • Hallo everyone, it is always important to know a proper pronunciation because these are some of the foundations of a language ,it brings confidence when you get pronunciations right.However it not a crime if you don't get the right pronunciation ,no one will nail you...

  • Yes, correct pronunciation while learning is important as it teaches students the correct way to pronounce and learn.

  • Yes. Voorect pronunciation in thr english language can make a big difference sometimes in the meaning of the word

  • yes. In my opinion learning correct pronunciation should be done from the first levels. in this case student can understand other accent easily too.

  • I think that pronunciation is important. It helps learners to talk clearly and also assists the listener in understanding. Additionally, it's an incredible confidence booster! Good pronunciation makes students feel more sure of themselves when speaking to or in front of others.

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