Do you think English is a difficult language to learn?

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7 answers from our tutors

  • Not at all, Jenny! With determination, hard work and persistence I'm sure learning the language will be a piece of cake for you. :)

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  • No not at all! With correct guidance and patience it is easy to learn!! You have to truly want to !! It’s a great language ☺️

  • At first yes, but if you consistently practice it, you'll get used to learning it.

  • It depends on the student. English has a simpler grammar than some other languages; however, there are a lot of exceptions to the grammar rules that can only be learned through memorization. Students whose native language is French, Spanish, Italian or German will find English easier to learn. Students whose native language is Asian or Middle Eastern may find English more difficult.

  • No it's not it is similar to german germanic languange! The thing is you don't have DER DIE and DAS like in german only THE in english. To learn a languange depends also on you! If you interested in that culture that you gonna make an smooth progress. Most people for example just focusing on the grammer and never try speak! But most scools just teaching grammar anyway that is terrible. Beginners have to learn like a child start with the basic of speaking ,repeat the sentence or phrase.

  • I would respond "no," in my opinion. Learning English is not too difficult. It has special features that make it simple such as a simple inflection and a typically constant word order (subject-verb-object).

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