Do you know the difference between simple past, simple present and simple future?

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Just a correction to my colleagues who have answered already. Simple present is used to talk about common actions with no specific time. For example. I always have breakfast. My sister runs usually runs the morning. My dog sleeps with me. For actions happening at the moment of speaking is present progressive. For example: I am watching TV, my dog is eating, my brother is working on the computer.

  • Simple past = action that happened in the past Simple present = action that is happening now / also if the statement is a general truth Simple future = actions that will happen in the future

  • Simple present is used to describe an action happening Ex:I play football Simple past is used to describe an action that happened before Ex:I played football yesteday evening; Simple future is a tense used to describe an action that has not happen yet. Ex:I will play football tomorrow.

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  • Simple past is used to describe an event or action that has already happen. For example : it rained yesterday morning. Simple Present is used to describe an action happening at the moment or for a occurrence event. Example: Alex feels wonderful. Alex brushes his teeth twice a day. Simple Future is used to describe an event or action that has not happen yet, that will happen in the future. Example: I will go to the Cinema with my friends tomorrow.

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