Do you know any English words borrowed from other languages? Lets share!

1. Vice versa (pronounced vise vuh-suh) Vice versa comes from the Latin "vicis" meaning a change or alteration, a place or a position. 2. Gesundheit (pronounced guh•zuund•hyt) "Gesundheit" is borrowed from German and literally means "good health". It is usually said after someone sneezes. The English equivalent means bless you. 3. Rendezvous (pronounced ron-day-voo) Also from the French meaning "meeting" or "date".

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Hie there😊. There are quite a number actually some mentioned by our lovely tutors here. Other common ones are lemon (Arabic) , ballet (French), karaoke (Japanese) however most of them were mostly borrowed from Latin and French. I hope his helps, have a good one. Fun Fact: Most English words are borrowed from Latin words because Latin was considered the language of scholars.

  • Hi There are a lot of words taken from French or Latin. (Read my article in live Xp) Entrepreneur -Someone who starts his business Fiancé – A man who is engaged to be married Hors d’oeuvres – Small portions of savory foods served before the main meal. Encore – A word English speakers use after a musical performance, when the audience wants to hear another song RVSP - please reply — used on invitations to ask the invited guests to indicate whether they will be able to attend. ◊ RSVP comes from the French phrase “répondez s'il vous plaît. Best Regards

  • Paparazzi "Italian" Safari "Arabic" Sugar, in Arabic " Sukkar"

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  • The English word "boondocks" came from Filipino word "bundok"

  • Restaurant, Naive, chic, cul-de-sac, Fiancé(e) are some French words that are borrowed. Many words related to gastronomy are of French origin: cuisine, sautée, chef ect. The word kaput is sometimes used to describe something broken (from german). Curriculum Vitae, pro rata, via are some of the latin words used in English. Shampoo is a borrowed word from hindi. Barbecue and hurricaine are both Native American words.

  • Knowing Spanish quite good, I can tell that lots of words are borrowed from Spanish to English. The most surprising thing that actually some names of cities and states are borrowed. Let me give you examples. Colorado - 'red-colored' Montana - from Spanish Montaña - mountain Nevada - 'snowy' And some cities , like Las Vegas - 'the meadows' Monterey - 'king's mountain' Buena Vista - 'good view'

  • Yes! 1. Cigar (Spanish) 2. Cartoon (Italian) 3. Lemon (Arabic) 4. Utensil (Latin) and so many other words!

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