Do you agree that English is the Universal Language? Why/Why not?
6 answers from our tutors
- Tony AlexanderCertified language instructor and native speaker of English
I would say love is the universal language whereas English is for Business & Commerce. Subtle nuances cannot be translated in English.
I am in agreement that it is the Universal language, because research has proven it and probably the easiest language to learn, however , I am an English native and speak under correction.
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For Me, English is becoming a Universal language because people all around the world are studying English nowadays maybe for work or their personal use. So I think Engl is a Universal
- Neil DearhamCertified ESL English teacher
English is s sought after language. Many nationalities are slowly moving to English especially when it comes to buisness. Different language speaking people find it easier to communicate in English, therefore narrowing the language barrier.
Because it's a third language that in almost all countries around the world, is well-known. So, if you're traveling to a country that you are not familiar with their language, then you can have an easier trip with English.