Do vs make. When i should use do and when make?

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remember that when we MAKE, we CREATE (it was not there before, and now it is, after we MAKE it, we CREATE something NEW.) For example, I take all the ingredients for a cake, and I MAKE the cake. The cake was not there before, now it is, because I MADE/CREATED it. When we DO something, this is an ACTION, we are not making something new. I hope this helps.

  • You use "do" for actions that you should do. And use "make" when you want to produce something

  • Do (as well as does/did) is for action. Whereas, the verb make (made) means to create or to produce

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  • Do for action you must “do” ie: jobs or work. Make for when you create or produce something

  • When we use do and make with noun phrases, do focuses on the process of acting or performing something, make emphasises more the product or outcome of an action

  • The verbs 'make' and 'do' are similar in English. You use 'make' when you create or produce something; 'make' is more about the product or outcome. And you use 'do' for actions you must do and general activities you repeat often. "Do" focuses on acting and performing. Here are some examples: 'DO' 1. I do my homework at home. (Note that you are performing something.) 2. I will do the shopping tomorrow. (Again, note that this is an action you will take and a general activity.) 'MAKE' 1. Let us make pizza for tonight. (Note that the product of the action is a pizza; therefore, we use 'make'); 2. The children make noise. (Again, note that the children 'produce' noise.)

  • We say "do" when we are talking about the action or activity (do your homework, do the dishes, etc). We say "make" when we are talking about something we have created (make a plan, make a date, make dinner) or accomplished (make the bed). "Make" emphasizes the object noun and makes it most important, while "do" emphasizes the action (verb) that results in something being created or accomplished.

  • Their meaning is the same ,to perform a task but they are used in set phrases ( phrases that you should learn by heart) Do ( your homework,the housework,the cleaning,the washing,) Make ( the bed,friends,a plan ,a decision,a choice, a cake,dinner)

  • Use do as in, I am going to do homework, or I am going to do my shopping. Use make as in, I want to make a dress, I will make a plan, lets make it happen. Do is used to begin something and complete it , but make is creating something.

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