Directions or Instructions

What do you understand by the 2 words and why is it that the word directions is used in food recipes and not the word instruction?

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Directions: Tells you how to get to a place. Instructions: Tells you how to do a task.

  • Direction is what leads or guide you into a specific location for a example Am headed for the supermarket while Instructions is a command or an order given for you to carry out a particular task . For example read the passage below and underline the following Verb, adjectives, noun is an instruction.

  • Directions is less commanding and refer to indications to a particular place (directions to the mall) whereas, Instructions are mostly given to teach someone something step by step (instructions to build a lego set)

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  • Direction: It is used for a place like to be pointed out. Instructions: These are the guidelines to do with an appropriate task.

  • Direction is guideline to a destination. Example: can you tell me the direction to get mall? while instructions are step needed to carry out a task eg : answer the following question using the formulas given.

  • I think it's because "Instruction" has more to do with a task requiring precision and technicality while "Directions" is more related to flexibility and creativity with more room to improvise, which is somewhat how cooking is viewed.

  • Instruction is either giving an order or an information given on how to thing should be done. Direction a part that leads to a destination or a course along which someone or something moves.

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