Choose the correct form. ____ считают одной из главных черт русского характера.
(Kindness is considered one of the main features of the Russian characters) a. Доброту b. Доброта c. Добротой d. Доброты
11 answers from our tutors
Best answer
Широта души - доброта
- Anna TretiakovaProfessional Russian language teacher for foreign students. Graduated from two universities and courses
You can used two options. Доброта is considered one of the main features of the Russian characters, Доброту is considered one of the mein features of the Russian characters. But this is not true. One of the main features of the Russian characters is maybe! This means, what if it works out
- Roya GuliyevaTeacher of Russian spoken language. If you want to speak perfectly, then this is the place for you ✊
A) Доброту
The answer is a)