Changing county and culture or falling In love with a non native English speaker will teach you fast

One is sink or swim learning to survive and the other is passion and emotionally driven... Which one will have a better long term effect on the capability on speaking the language better?

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9 answers from our tutors

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Even though both won't be incapable of communicating the language, the learner who is driven by passion and emotion will reach fluency and accuracy quicker. Somebody that's willing to do something because they genuinely want to will achieve better results when compared to somebody that's 'sink or swim' learning. Investing time and strengthening focus when learning a language will help tremendously. Most of all, have fun!

  • Staying in the environment and culture will help you learn the language more quickly. I learned German in 3 months, just by staying with bunch of people who could only speak German.

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  • I think passion and being emotionally driven would have a better long term effect because it is coming from the heart and it is something you genuinely want to do and enjoy. That is what life is about being genuinely happy, loving hard, and working hard for what you want. Manifesting positive thoughts will give you a better chance at succeeding at anything you do in life!

  • I'd like to break my answer in two: Which would be faster? Which would be more enduring? The emotionally-driven language learning has both passion and the attendant dopamine rush, therefore it would be faster. The survival-driven language learning would be more enduring as the learner will begin from learning the necessary vocabulary for daily interaction, and then work their way to other words. So, for long-term effect as you've asked Carla, I'd say learning for survival will trump learning for passion.

  • Passion and emotionally driven

  • Definitely passion and emotionally driven Carla. Intrinsic motivation weights heavily on the outcome of any situation.

  • Hello , Carla Its become a commonplace to say that linguist 'love language'. People have often described the experience of visiting, or moving to , foreign country as falling in love with its language.

  • Hello, Carla. Your passion and putting your emotion in learning your desired language is essential to achieve your goal. Falling in love with the person I thinks is more exciting and fun. Moving to that country will give you more of the experience and immersing yourself to their culture will give you a better result. "Sink and swim" learning will eventually help you survive.

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