Can you reflect on the role of your teachers and classes in your English language journey?

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Well, to begin with, I should confess that I started my English journey quite late, when I was 11, in the 5th grade. Struggled for a year because of multiple substitute teachers. Then my granddad enrolled me in a course that basically changed my perspective on the English language. Since then, it has been a great experience, I'm delighted to realize that I carry a tool to connect with people from all over the world.

  • I have always been very good at languages but my teachers have always encouraged me to do better and go beyond what I can already do. I find that good and detailed feedback always comes in handy with improving learning languages.

  • Honestly saying my first teacher at school laid the foundation of English importance. I guess teacher is vital point in getting any skill, especially English because learning for kids its extremely boring.

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  • As a native English speaker, I find it interesting that native speakers don't realize that they have had just as many, if not more, English teachers than many who are learning English as new language. When I reflect on the role of the formal English teachers that I have had, I have had over 16 English teachers, and I rarely think to give them credit.

  • yes, Teachers can play the best role in understanding English. I learned English from my teacher from his feedback and guideline. My teacher always told me for speaking Englis.

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