Can you list five commonly misspelled English words and share a trick for remembering each one?

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3 answers from our tutors

  • 1. Accommodate Just remember that there are two sets of double letters "cc" and "mm". 2. Embarrass Remember that there are two sets of double letters "rr" and "ss". 3. Necessary C comes first in the alphabet, and it comes first in "necessary". S comes second, and there are two "ss" since it's second. 4. Conscience Con (= to trick someone) + Science (= knowledge about the natural world, based on facts that you can prove by experiments) 5. Weird It's a weird word because it doesn't follow the "i before e except after c" rule. 2 Bonus words: 6. Occasional You just have to remember these 3 words: Octopus - Oc Casino - remember 'casion' (only the last two letters of the word are jumbled) Ally - friend Just imagine that you have an octopus as a friend in a casino. 7. Dessert Dessert (= sweet food eaten at the end of a meal) vs. Desert (= hot, dry, area of land usually covered with sand) There is more sugar in a "dessert" than in a "desert", therefore use "ss".

  • Here are five commonly misspelled English words and some tips for remembering them: Embarrassed This word has double letters, so you can imagine a boy who's embarrassed by his sister's singing. Dilemma People often drop the second "m", so you can remember that "Emma has a dilemma". Rhythm This word has more "h's" than usual and no vowels, so you can imagine a dance floor full of dancers twisting. Withhold This word is "with + hold", so you can remember that you withhold something from someone by holding it with you and not giving it to them. Experience This word is all about the letter "e", so you can remember it by focusing on t

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  • infallible- infalliable Discombabulate- Miscombabulate Behavior- behaviour color-colour there is no trick to master them just studying

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