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12 answers from our tutors

Best answer

Hi Mark, If you are interested to be a tutor, Here are the following guidelines on how to become a tutor here in Livexp. 1. You need to register 2. Complete your profile with all the required info. The more detailed your tutor card is, the easier for the students to see you're a good fit. 3. Download the Livexp mobile app to keep track of your lessons and messages. At this stage, your tutor card becomes visible to students. This is how can get your lessons booked. 4. Read the Livexp in-house rules and the tutor-level system to find your feet on the platform and avoid misunderstandings. 5. Think about the ways to promote your tutor profile and attract more students. If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask me because I am always in your side to help you and to serve you. I would like to invite you in my class if you have a free time. Thank You so much and God bless

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