Asking as a teacher, what do you do when you feel exhausted and want to just stop teaching somedays?
14 answers from our tutors
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Simple you just remember the reason why you started teaching and why you chose teaching,so the answer is you want to help others, so when you get demotivated remember the promise you made to help others, but I would suggest you take a break and come back with bang.
Go for a hike, it helps refresh the body and mind
I would take a moment to remember the reason on why I started teaching in the first place, then I would look at my life since teaching and what benefits it has brought to my life. It is completely normal to feel burnt out or stuck from time to time, at the end of the day we're all just human and we need to be kind to ourselves to be able to keep going. Also whenever you feel this way just think of the difference you are making or have made in someone's life, by teaching them. :)
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Start testI remind myself of my love to English Spend more free time being outside Exercises,hobbies, friends
Make sure you take enough days off and try fit a bit of one of your hobbies in each day. Generally make sure you get enough exercise and take breaks from your computer screen when you don’t have a class to teach.
It is a feeling, and feelings have power if concentrated on. My go to reaction is selfish, I take a walk. Studies have shown that exercising and showering are medicines to negative moods and expressions. By taking a walk, I take a break and re-energize my mind to be better prepared for my students. There is no need to keep on teaching with a sour mood
Reminding yourself why you started is good so you can reach you goals. But it is also okay to take a break and recharge. Well all deserve a break from some of the things and keep been healthy.
- JennyCertified ESL Teacher who helps her student in Conversational English.
When Im exhausted, I just about the reason and how I can have impact to my students.
Remember that teaching is like medicine for the sick, so imagine with so many sick people and the medicine is not there, it means there will be many casualties. Remember again teaching is a calling, a service unto others, we serve with love
Remind myself why I love doing it so much, and the difference I'm making in my student's lives.
There are huge volume of reasons a teacher may face that this question asked by student. One of which is whether a student has had enough sleep during a day.