As a learner, how important are on-spot mistake corrections for you?

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5 answers from our tutors

  • It's vital to pinpoint the mistakes for a healthy student-teacher relationship.

  • As a teacher, it is important , and it is our role to correct their mistake. That's why trial lessons are very important, because you can ask them if do they want to be corrected or not?

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  • Not to too much, but at end or middle of conversation give a note about it. Students love it.

  • Quite relevant, because that gives an insight about the performance. It's important, though, that the teacher enforces the idea that mistakes are not bad, but a way to improve your language skills. Mistakes are to be worked, not to be ashamed of.

  • When it comes to minor language mistakes and if they are regularly recurring throughout your speech - feedback should provided at one point of the lesson, as opposed to every instance detected in the very moment. That would simply be counterproductive and rather obnoxious. Meanwhile, writing out and focusing on specific vocabulary that you can expand on through conversation is key.

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