As a language teacher how do you keep yourself update?

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19 answers from our tutors

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I watch a lot of YouTube channels related to ESL. They have helped me a lot

  • I read books about language teaching and learning. You can also collaborate with fellow teachers. I still have to try that out. Participating in webinars and omline courses related to language teaching can help.

  • Gugu
    GuguCountry flag: za
    Certified Esl teacher

    I watch a lot of online teaching content on tiktok and youtube.

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  • I read alot of articles and do slot of research on google and watch YT videos

  • I like to read articles or watch videos about pedagogy from different points of view. I like to hear about other teachers ideas, good and bad. I also like to hear why students like or dislike certain teachers and schools.

  • Well I'm always speaking to my friends that live in different parts of the world to find the interests of their lives and find out what their getting up to. I'm also always in touch with the news to discover what's going on in different parts of the world, I watch Brazilian news French news Spanish news and English news. As well as social media to always develop my awareness about the changes in life.

  • Zeinab Ali
    Zeinab AliCountry flag: eg
    Arabic teacher

    Through school books and grammar books ,reading novels and articles , workshops and tv

  • As a teacher, in order to stay current, I often attend professional development events, such as workshops, conferences, seminars, and courses. I also do well to read a lot, not just to stay updated, but also because I love reading. Let's not forget how helpful social media is as well😅

  • Since my English teaching style is focused on business issues, I am constantly reviewing and monitoring world events and how they relate or impact our day to day professional activities in the work place. Depending on the industry that the student works in, certain news and/or company events can be beneficial in expanding their understanding and industry "know-how".

  • I personally keep an eye on the school program updates and on the news about education.

  • I try to stay updated with the latest news by browsing my favorite websites ,participating in webinars, and keeping in touch with other tutors.

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