Arti "the"

Where to use and can't use article "the"?

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Actually its use depends on the context of the sentence. Generally, we use it when we are referring a specific noun known to both the speaker and the listener. For example I watch the movie last night, refers to a specific movie which is known to the speaker and listener.

  • Some situations to use article the: In case something has been mentioned before: I saw a cat, the cat was meowing at me. If the thing is known by both the speaker and the receiver: Let's watch the movie tomorrow, I have too much homework today. If there's only one of something: the Moon, the Earth Plural name of places: the Alps, the Andes, the Fiji islands Some situations not to use the article the: For names of people: Mary, John For names of places (singular): Brazil, South Africa For general statements: Women work harder than men.

  • Understanding the pronunciation difference between "read"(present tense)cand "read"(past tense) can be challenging. here are some instructions to help understand the difference. 1. Present tense (read): When you see the word "Read" in a sentence referring to the present or future , pronounce it as "Reed" with a long "ee" sound. For Example: -"I read books every day." (pronounced as "I reed books every day") 2. Past Tense (read): When you encounter the word "read" in a sentence referring to the past , pronounce it as "red" with a short "e" sound. For example: -"Yesterday, I read a great novel." (pronounced as "Yesterday, I red a great novel") Remember that the context is crucial in determining whether "read" is used in the present or past tense. Pay attention to the surrounding words and verb tenses to determine the correct pronunciation. Please ask if you have any further questions!

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  • We use ' the' to modify a common noun. For example: We would say: The girl plays netball for our team. We would not say: The Kate plays netball for our team.

  • "The" is a word we use when talking about a particular thing or when we have already talked about it before. We say "the dog" when we mean a specific dog we know or have mentioned. It is also used with words like "best" or "only." But we don't use "the" when we are talking about things in general, like when we say "Dogs are friendly." We also don't use it with most jobs, countries, cities, or when we talk about activities in general, unless we are talking about a specific one.

  • It depends on how you use the article "the"

  • Nataliia
    NataliiaCountry flag: ua
    English tutor

    It is not easy question. We don't have only one answer. There are some rules which you should learn.

  • It depends on context . we can use "the" to talk about something mentioned previously. Eg.: I washed the car (it means that the listener knows already which car the speaker is talking about) "The" is also used before a common noun . Eg.: the car, the lamp, the computer , the book, etc. "The" isn't used before a proper noun. We can not say 👉 The Fernando is fine.

  • Where we can use "the" before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. Where not to use "the" before names of mountains, names of continents or names of cities.

  • "The" denotes one or more people or things already mentioned or assumed to be common knowledge. It is used to point forward to a following qualifying or defining clause or phrase.

  • Use article “the” when referring to a specific noun, known to both the speaker and the listener. Or when, referring to a noun that has been mentioned previously.

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