Any advice for how to approach your first trail lesson with a student?
9 answers from our tutors
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Get to know more about the students interests, goals or any idea on how they'll want their lesson to be. So that you'll be able to structure you 2nd lesson. Use icebreaker to make them feel comfortable, this will also help you to ease you nerves, since we teachers also get nervous sometimes with trial lessons.
What most teachers simply do not comprehend is any topic in English is English. There is no point in discussing Pandas in China when the student is studying to become a Pilot in France!
Trial lesson not trail lesson.
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For trial lesson, I advice to establish rapport with the students. Ask them questions and encourage them to speak.
Thank you very much for all your help everyone. My first lesson was successful 😊
Go in with an open mind. Have something planned however feel out the student and see where you can help them.
Introductions, asks questions about his origin, what work he does, or she, family, then what they want to learn and let student give example, I don't know if they have lesson plans available, but I would suggest keep conversation going. Good lick
Try to be casual, tell about yourself and ask about the student. Let him introduce himself. Make him comfortable .
100% engagement. Ask lots of questions, take notes so that you will be ready to teach them if they hire you. Use pictures, learn their hobbies, likes, dislikes, and listen to all the English they can say.