
Business English online tutors for private lessons

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Spending lots of time looking for a great business English tutor? Dare we say your search is over, for you're in the right place. LiveXP has loads of great tutors to choose from. The business English teacher that's right for you is definitely here. We understand how important English is these days, especially for entrepreneurs and people who mean business (pun totally intended!). And we're tried to make LiveXP the best place where you can find English teachers that will help you achieve your goals. And it's not only about language, because we understand that languages is only a tool for achieving other goals, too. Maybe there is a business trip you need to prepare for? Or you're working on a presentation? What if you need to negotiate a contract with your business partners and discuss the conditions of your collaboration? We've got you covered. Have a look at our professional tutors, take your pick, and start learning!

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Goal: Do business
Lesson time
Jiawei Tang
21 lessons
TEFL+TESOL Officially Certified International Chinese Teacher Undergraduate English Major

⭐️Hello, I'm Mr. Tang, you can also call me Mr. Ivy. Nice to meet you. I am from Hunan, China. I like Chinese traditional culture very much, and I love Chinese teaching very much. I have been teaching Chinese for two years. I have an English teacher qualification certificate certified by the Chinese Ministry of Education, a second-class certificate for Mandarin, and a fourth-level certificate for English majors. Currently preparing for the 2022 International Chinese Teacher Qualification Certificate. ☘️In my spare time, I like to travel and listen to music to relax myself. Traveling can expose me to different cultures and broaden my horizons. I like chatting with people from different countries and ethnic groups, which can not only improve my communication skills, but also understand the cultural customs of various countries. ⭐️In my class, you can speak freely and learn knowledge in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. During the period, I will also arrange a few small activities to make you integrate into the study faster. I have always advocated the teaching concept of entertaining and entertaining. My teaching style is natural and humorous, and the teaching content is rich and interesting. ✨For those who want to improve their Chinese fluency, we can learn by chatting. I will use easy and practical materials to let you learn how to express it authentically and authentically. ✨For friends who want to travel to China, I will teach you some basic communication languages, such as greetings, asking directions, asking prices, taxis, etc., as well as other simple Chinese that you can use every day when you come to China. ✨For those who want to study systematically and want to take the HSK test, I will evaluate your level and needs through a test class, and then customize the course for you. I will ensure that all of my students progress through a very clear and structured lesson plan and continue to progress. So subscribe now! ! ?

Speaks Chinese

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to learn business English?

You should team up with a qualified business-English tutor. You need one if you want to feel more confident making presentations, be a better negotiator in English, or write business emails like a pro.

How to improve business English?

It's about motivation. To keep your motivation up, you should know your goal and know your current level. It's important to be realistic and not set impossible goals of mastering English in 2 weeks.

Should I choose a business English tutor online or offline?

We're all pressed for time these days. Especially, business people. Which is why it makes more sense to choose an online business English tutor. With online learning, you don't need to travel anywhere and can take lessons at home or in the office. You can save a lot of time on commuting to and from classes.

Do I need a native-speaking business English teacher?

It depends on how well you speak English at the moment. If you're only starting out and have not gone beyond the intermediate level, it would be more effective for you to have a tutor who speaks your native language. This way, they clarify anything for you in a way that's the most understandable. But if you're already a confident English speaker, you can benefit from lessons with a tutor who's a native speaker.

How to choose a great business English teacher?

There are several things to pay attention to when choosing a tutor.
  1. Introduction video. It'll give you an idea of how this tutor is, how they speak, how they carry themself.
  2. Rating. But don't just look at the numbers. Read what other students are saying in their reviews.
  3. Qualifications. In the tutor's profile, see if they mention any certifications they have.
  4. Have a trial lesson with a tutor. What's great about trial lessons is that you'll be able to see if you and the tutor click as people. We all learn better with people we like.
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